Chaos also known as the void is based on Greek mythology. In Greek mythology chaos is the place where everything originated from so it would be a great game. The first version would be about the Titans and how they ruled in the golden age it would have them and their children. The Ideal of the game is to show the fall of the titan and show the rise of the titan children.
So the boards will be about Greek mythology like Nyx, Eros, Gaila and more. There will be 11 boards all together with different settings. Each board will be three-dimensional with secret way to jump to other boards while playing.
Character will have special abilities based on Greek mythology and weaponry. Their moves will be determined by the size and special. Like a earth type character might have a wrestling fight style.
All the story line will be based on Greek mythology it will have a 3-d animated movie when all the storylines are completed.
At the end of the game it will show the Olympians birth and a sequel will be rise of the Olympians.